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Hi, how are you? I'm Fangz author from Fangz BOT If there is any complaint please report it on Gmail
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SC Private By Fangz Download Node Modules Nya Download ==========[[[PEMBATAS[[[========== V1. V5 > GET SCRIPT ↓↓↓↓↓↓ GET SCRIPT V6 > GET SCRIPT V2 ( BER PW ) V7 > GET SCRIPT ↓↓↓↓↓↓ GET SCRIPT V3 ↓↓↓↓↓↓ GET SCRIPT V4 ↓↓↓↓↓↓ GET SCRIPT VIA LINK NOTE Subscribe YouTube Biar semangat update script Kalau ada bug laporkan ke FANGZ Agar segera di perbaiki. Untuk yang script update/Private nya di jual...
Fangz BOT update info • Mohon maaf jika Fangz BOT Sering off tanpa pemberitahuan broadcast, Karena Admin masih terus update bot agar nyaman di pakai, Okay, this time the information is updated Dari Fangz BOT BETA Sampai V4 ========= *Tanggal rilis* • 28/02/2022 *Terakhir Update* • 14/7/2022 Beberapa update yang kami terapkan Pada Fangz BOT di bawah ini. - Fix bug/eror di beberapa fitur. - Penambahan fitur payment & Update tampilan - Add fitur suitpvp & Suit bot. - Add fitur. - Peruba...
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This time I will offer a premium fanz bot price, the price is very cheap if you want Upgrade Immediately yes. Reward: - Free bot permanen + script private - Mendapatkan discount TokoBot 30% - Upgrade Level di TokoBot
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